

This album was created for a challenge in February of 2025. It served a lot of different purposes for me, but mainly it was to make music making fun again. I think we all go through periods of creators where we have a grand ambitious vision of something, and then we try to move toward it. If we aren’t able to fully realize that vision, for what ever reason, we can become discouraged, no matter how many times we’ve gone through this before. The best way to regain your momentum is to just go ahead and create a ton of stuff.

For me, winter time is often a great time for me to bury myself in creativity. Its cold and miserable outside, no one wants to do anything, and the days are short and the nights are long. For several years now I’ve done various challenges related to writing music. In January of 2019 I participated in Jamuary. In January of 2021 I did a daily track writing challenge. In January of 2022 and 2024 I did Jamuary and completed all 30 days. And I’ve done many other smaller challenges all over the place.

But why? One time an older producer asked me.. Why write an album? All you need is one hit song!

Hopefully I’m not the first person you’ve heard this from, but limitations breed creativity. I absolutely am my most creative when there’s a deadline, and ESPECIALLY a deadline that I have not set myself, but one that someone else has set for me. There is NO WAY that I would have created these sounds, learned these techniques, figured out how to do all the things that I figured out how to do in the past 28 days, if it were not for this challenge. I’ve explored sonic territory and experimented with so many sounds and plugins and techniques and different hardware and software. I’ve even been working on music on days and fitting into music into times and places that I would not have, if it were not for challenges like this.

Simply asking the question – How would you go about writing 14 tracks in 28 days and having them be as good as possible given that constraint – That breeds an entirely different line of thinking, a totally different mentality than the one you normally would have. And you’ll get totally different results as well. Results that will surprise you. Results that will absolutely change your mind about what it is possible to accomplish, not only in 28 days, but in life in general. And you can really apply this to anything, not just music making.